21 Lessons From My First 3 Years Of Growing A 6-Figure Business

Here's what I learned (and what I wish I'd known) in my first 3 years of growing my business

In the spirit of the new year (and new decade), I've been reflecting on all the things I've learned over the past three years of growing my business. It hasn’t always been easy and I’ve had to learn many lessons the hard way. There's a reason why 50% of small businesses fail within 5 years! Being a business owner takes some guts, a ton of learning and some major perseverance.

I know you might be going through the same things, so I wanted to share with you the wisdom I’ve gained on my business path in order to help you succeed on yours. Here are 21 things I learned from my first 3 years in business. I hope they help you find success in the year ahead.

(Pssst... if you haven't opened your business doors yet, pay special attention to numbers 5 + 6. They will fast track your business and save a lot of heartache in the long run.)

1. Have Patience

When you’re first starting out you’ll hear stories from others about the 2,000 subscribers they gained in a week, their $40,000 launch, or the single Instagram post that boosted them to thousands of followers and it will leave you feeling deflated and disheartened.

Just keep in mind that in the real world nothing happens overnight.

If you had seen what happened behind the scenes for years to get people to that result you’d feel a sense of relief because their success wasn’t as instant as it seems.

Businesses take YEARS to gain traction. There are some things you can do to help you get there faster, and I will share some of them in this article, especially #5. But don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

If you don’t make a fortune on your first webinar, that’s normal and you’re still on the right track, keep going. Be kind to yourself and celebrate your wins, no matter how small they are.

2. You Are Not a (Yoga Instructor, Health Coach, etc), You’re a Business Owner

Obviously, that statement isn’t 100% accurate, you are an expert at what you do. But, what I mean is that when you decide to launch your own business you need to decide to be a business owner first.

I used to say “I’m a photographer, not a business expert” and that was my way of excusing the fact that I didn’t know anything about marketing (and I didn’t want to learn).

But, I was really repeating a mantra that was formed from my limiting beliefs - from a place of fear. It was holding me back.

Stepping into the title of “Business Owner” required me to think differently, look at the world differently, and more importantly, run my business differently.

Don’t let the excuse of not knowing how to do something hold you back. There are a ton of amazing online resources where you can learn how to be a business owner, but more on that later.

3. Learn From Others Who Have Already Figured It Out

It’s highly likely that whatever you’re doing there is someone out there who has already figured out a successful way to do it, or at least something similar to it.

Even if you’re releasing a totally new product that you’ve invented…someone has released new products before and mastered the steps to do it. Learn from them.

What did they do that worked for them? What actions did they take when they were getting started? What tools are they using?

This goes for everything you do in business - from growing on Instagram, designing a successful blog and pricing and packaging your products and services.

You don't have to completely reinvent the wheel.

Is there an influencer in your field who clearly has their Instagram plan figured out? Maybe they’re using stock photography to grab attention and save time. (Psst... Stock photos are the best kept secret of successful Instagram influencers!!)

Find out the answers to these questions and start there. As you go you can make modifications to better suit you and your brand. Tap into the ideas and inspiration from others who have already figured out how to be a success. They have a lot of wisdom to share with you.

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4. Don’t Take Business Advice from Anyone Who Hasn’t Built a Successful Business

People love to give their advice on everything, it’s just human nature. But, even with the best of intentions, not all advice and opinions are created equally.

If you’re starting a new business, you want to get your advice from someone who has started a business from scratch, and grown it to success.

Even if someone you know has a wealth of knowledge from online courses or going to college, they don’t have the applied knowledge to do what you’re doing. However, if you know someone who has started a restaurant, or owns a boutique online, their advice has a lot of value, even if what they did isn’t the same as what you’re doing.

5. Get Educated

Successful business owners never stop investing in their education because there is ALWAYS something new to learn from someone.

This is something all the experts will tell you. It’s easier than ever to get that education thanks to online courses. In a past life, I tried to build my business based on trial and error along with a helping of a few bits of information I’d gathered from free online webinars and ebooks. But I had no clue how to build a successful business!

Because I insisted on taking the excruciatingly slow route of DIY-ing everything I ended up feeling completely overwhelmed while juggling 10 side jobs to stay afloat while I tried to get my dream of working for myself a reality. In the end, that business never got off the ground.

But, when I launched Wellness Stock Shop that changed. What did I do differently? I sought guidance from someone who was already doing exactly what I wanted to do - run a successful business.

That someone was Marie Forleo in her life-changing online business program B-School. Taking this course was one of the best decisions of my life. That isn’t hyperbole, I genuinely believe it is what helped me reach my dream.

The 6-week program took me from completely scattered, with no clue where to start and sinking thousands of hours into meaningless tasks to having crystal clarity around how to build and scale my dream business.

Here I am today running my dream business and making more money than I ever have before, all without scrubbing toilets or scooping up dog poo (Yes, I did that!).

6. Start Before You’re Ready

Starting a business is like starting a family, you’re never REALLY ready for it until you’re already knee-deep. If you keep waiting until you’re ready…you’ll never get started. This was some of the most influential and game-changing advice I took from Marie Forleo and B-School.

The smartest way I applied this was to launch my email list with an opt-in freebie (with Marie’s guidance) months before I was ready to open my business’ doors.

The result? By the time I opened my doors I had an audience of 1,000 engaged followers to launch to and my business made a profit in its first month! All because I didn’t wait, and I took the first steps before I was ready.

If you're still in the early stages of your business - maybe you're still in school, training to be a health coach or yoga instructor, or working on your skin care line - don't wait until you're "ready" to open your business to start taking action.

Launch your website NOW. Start publishing blog post. Start growing your Instagram following by posting photos that represent the business you are dreaming up and plan to launch in the future. Even if you don't have anything to sell, now is the perfect time to be building a community of deeply connected followers.

7. Start Publishing Blog Posts ASAP

In the beginning, I wasn't as consistent with publishing blog posts as I should have been. But, the blog posts that I did publish? Even if they kind of sucked, I am seeing incredible perpetual traction three years later.

It has a lot to do with why I am now seeing thousands of visitors to my website each month with a 50% organic search rate.

Gaining SEO reach happens very slowly and develops with time. (Take note of that. Even if your SEO efforts seem useless, it generally takes 1-2 years to see any results at all.)

That’s why it’s especially important to start publishing from the very beginning, or sooner! Start publishing blog posts on topics that are relevant to what you do. They don’t have to be directly related, they can instead be things that your audience would be interested in, like a fantastic healthy recipe you love. Or your favorite essential oil diffuser blends to de-stress.

If I were to do it over again, In my first year of business I’d commit to publishing a blog post filled with high ranking SEO search terms and answers to my audience’s burning questions once a week.

I know it can seem daunting when you’re first starting because you have just so much to do but do the best you can. Your future self will thank you.

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8. Start an Email List – Like right NOW

The truth is, when done right, your email list can be THE most valuable asset you have for your business.


First, you own your email list. No one can shut it down.

I’ve had friends who grew their social media accounts by thousands of followers, but suddenly had their account shut down for no reason, with no warning, and without any way to contact their audience.

Also, your email list is an amazing way to create a strong, personable connection with your audience.

Growing an email list doesn't mean you have to send out super boring monthly newsletters. (You shouldn't!)

Instead, start by sending emails full of tips and how-tos that will support your audience. Ask yourself how you can provide value while also creating demand for what you offer.

9. Keep it Simple

It might be difficult but whatever you’re working on, keep it simple. As business owners, we tend to want to come up with the most inclusive, grandiose vision of everything idea we have. But then one thing leads to another and we’re quickly in way over our heads.

When it starts to feel complicated it’s time to take a step back and see what you can eliminate or put on your list for future ideas.

A good example of this is when I was putting together my stock photo offerings. I wanted to be able to offer everything, photo memberships, specialty bundles, subscriptions, and a-la-carte. But most boutique stock photo websites like mine only offered one or two of those options.

So, rather than pivot my plan I had to find a highly specialized website and get customized by a programmer. In the end, offering all these options only confused my customers and caused me a headache with inevitable tech issues.

If I could go back I’d pick one of those stock website options that was clean and simple with a plan to have a custom site and add more options in the future.

10. Listen to Your Customers

It is perfectly ok to ask your customers for feedback and how you can best serve them through every phase of your business - from the product brainstorming phase and beyond.

Actually, this is a great way to connect with your audience and make them feel like they have a personal connection to your business.

One of the best traditions I adopted early on is hosting an anonymous new year survey.

Sometimes feedback can hurt, but treat it like it’s gold. Because often times this is the best opportunity to learn where you can make improvements you hadn't thought of yourself, or fix issues you didn't know existed.

11. Create Systems. Stay organized. Track your processes

This will save you so much time and frustration and make it so much easier to hire someone when you’re ready. (This is the one I'm still struggling with now because I learned this lesson late in the game.)

12. Don’t Seek Approval for Business Decisions From Your Partner or Family

In the beginning, I’d run investment ideas by my significant other - coaches I wanted to hire, courses I wanted to take, even blog post topics.

He has never owned a business and has no idea what’s involved or what counts as a smart investment. But even if he had…his information would be biased. He would try not to hurt my feelings or would say yes to something just because I was enthusiastic about it.

Instead, I now make decisions on my own or run it by other business owners who are much better sounding boards for business ideas.

13. Don’t Accept Criticism from Anyone Who Hasn’t Done What You’re Doing

When it comes to how you’re running your business you shouldn’t accept criticism from anyone who hasn’t done what you’re doing, because they don’t know what they’re talking about!

They have no idea what you’re doing, how much time you’ve poured into getting to where you are, or the limitations you’re facing. So take everything they say with a grain of salt and keep doing your thing.

14. Make Sure the Recommendations You Receive are Legit Before You Hire Anyone

This year I was scammed by a high-end copy writer turned “business coach” who came highly recommended by several people in a business group.

It turned out though that not a single one of those recommending her had hired and worked with her one-on-one. The only experience they had was inside her free Facebook group where she poured on the charisma.

Hiring someone is a VERY different thing from experiencing a free service. Just because someone puts on a great face while they’re trying to get customers doesn’t mean they’re worthy of your investment or recommendation.

15. Let Other People Sit With Their Doubts and Insecurities

There will always be people in your life that feel threatened by change or when you do things differently. That’s their own fear and insecurities and, while you should be sensitive to where they're at, you shouldn’t take those fears on as your own.

Don’t let them discourage you from pursuing your dreams! As you grow and change you may find that you have to let some relationships go because they can and will hold you back.

16. Flex Your Tunnel Vision Muscle

You’re going to find oh so many flashy things, exciting opportunities, and things people say you “need.” But if you take on too many things at once you’re going to find yourself in a place of overwhelm, which makes it impossible to finish anything.

So, put on your blinders and stay focused on one thing at a time. Marie Forleo calls this getting on the “no” train. Say no to anything that will derail you from your current project. If you're suddenly struck with a brilliant idea, write it down in an idea vault and come back to it another time.

17. Remember to take time off

It will always feel like you can’t afford to take time off. You’ll think to yourself that you can’t take a break until things get off the ground. But believe me, it’s much more expensive and difficult when you burn out.

You might also be like I've been in the past - you work yourself until your body forces you to take a break (aka you get sick).

So take some time to take care of yourself, take a vacation. Hire a virtual assistant if you need to, even just for 5 hours a week then use that time to meditate, do some yoga, relax and have "you" time.

18. Automate Everything

It will feel like you need to do everything yourself, always. But let me tell you, there are SO many things you can automate in a business and you should!

Email responses, on-boarding sequences, client booking systems... the less time you spend on the little things, the more time you’ll have for everything else.

Part of this is about releasing control. When we start out, we often feel we have to do everything all by ourselves, otherwise we're being "un-authentic".

If you approach your business this way, you will burn out and won't have the bandwidth to support your clients or others who need you.

So don’t worry about the fact that your social media account is mostly automated, it’s giving you time to do something else to grow your business and create balance in your life.

This is how successful businesses maintain their success and keep growing.

19. Trust Your Intuition

When you’re uncomfortable about making a particular decision to hire someone or invest in a course, it can be hard to tell whether it’s just the discomfort of up-leveling and stepping into a place of expansion, or whether it’s your intuition telling you it’s not the right fit.

Train yourself to decipher between these two feelings. Personally, I check in to see if I resonate with this person and their style. Are there any red flags? Does it feel expansive?

B-School is the best example of a scary investment that challenged me to expand and ended up paying off in massive ways.

Whereas in 2019 I hired a business coach despite the red flags and a gut feeling that I just didn't resonate with her, and she ended up scamming me.

FYI, you will definitely invest in things you wish you hadn’t. Don’t beat yourself up, this is just the process of building a business. But you can learn to trust your intuition to guide you to make the best business investments for you.

20. Always Take Away a Positive Lesson From a Bad Experience

Bad experiences, be it from hiring so-called experts who are anything but or dealing with a nasty company all have a gift to share with you - the opportunity to learn.

In these situations, I always ask myself "what does this experience have to teach me?"

Then, if I find myself in a difficult situation with a client and am torn on how to remedy the situation? I find incredible value in reflecting on the previous bad experiences. And ask myself, “What outcome would I want from this situation if I were the customer?” (Note, when I do this I make sure that the solution I decide on also feels good to me and that I won't feel taken advantage of or communicate poor boundaries.)

But even if a customer decides Wellness Stock Shop isn't the right fit for them, I always want them to remember my brand with a positive vibe and high integrity. I want them to say to others "Wellness Stock Shop wasn't the right fit for me, but they're awesome and I still highly recommend them."

21. Believe in Yourself

There are times when it will be difficult. It'll seem like you just aren’t cut out for being a business owner. But you need to believe in yourself. If you go in with an attitude of “I don’t know what I’m doing” or “This is going to fail” guess what? It’s going to fail! Be proactive.

Seek the support you need to feel safe and confident. Keep your chin up. Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Know that you've got your own back. Be your own biggest fan.

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