Feminine Stock Photos With Diversity

Feminine Stock Photos With Diversity

Diversity in photos - it's essential, but hard to find

When you go to a stock photo site, you will often see the same types of people every time. The thin honey blonde with her hands up to the sky. The beautiful Caucasian family with pearly white smiles. It’s what is available.

i believe there needs to be more

Today’s society makes people, particularly women, feel inadequate. We’re told we should look a certain way, even without words. The images that are everywhere are of the ‘perfect’ models.

The problem is that this won’t change until we start changing the images we use. Diversity needs to be normalized, so that it's familiar instead of uncomfortable. And so that it's fully appreciated for the gift that it is. Diversity enriches our world and makes it so much more interesting and beautiful.

Inclusive images can also be a tool to encourage self-love in those who aren’t our society's standardized ‘perfect’ person. Just look at how having people like Beyonce in the spotlight has helped to grow the self-love among those who identify with her! When we see someone who ‘matches’ us, it helps us to realize that we’re not alone in the world. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with us, because there are others just like us. In fact, we are all beautiful and worthy and perfect as we are.

At the end of the day, every person is different. And every person should be able to see images that suit their age, shape, size, ethnicity, abilities and beyond.

Body Diversity Stock Photos for women