Wellness Stock Shop

the world's most soulful source for wellness imagery

The Story


Soulful imagery for wellness entrepreneurs ... It shouldn't be hard, should it? You shouldn't have to cringe at stale, lifeless stock photos.


That's why we created Wellness Stock Shop.

Founded by an award-winning photographer, it's an accessible, affordable way to find the perfect photos to represent your wellness business.

Members enjoy the benefits of on-demand access to our full library of 3,000+ professional, alluring, polished visual branding images your fingertips; without having to sweat over unclear usage rights.

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"Content with a relevant photograph gets 94% more page views than content without a related image."

- Study by Skyward

About the founder

Briena Sash

Wellness Stock Photo by Sash Photography https://wellnessstockshop.com/prod

I created Wellness Stock Shop for people living with a deeper purpose.

It was born out of my dream to pursue a more meaningful and heart-centered career as an entrepreneur.

As an award-winning photographer, I'm devoted to creating a world class resource to help promote, support and inspire the amazing work of heart-driven entrepreneurs.

It is my deepest hope that my work uplifts and supports wellness entrepreneurs on their journey because I believe in them and the beautiful work they do in the world.



Media enquiries:


Wellness Stock Photo by Sash Photography https://wellnessstockshop.com/prod


high resolution images are available for media use

Contact: hello@wellnessstockshop.com


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